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State of Delaware
Criminal Justice Council

Edward Byrne Memorial State And Local Law Enforcement Assistance

JAG replaces the Byrne Formula and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) programs with a single funding mechanism that will simplify the administration process for grantees.

Delaware’s allocation for FY 2023 is $1,079,646.00. These funds are administered through the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Drug and Violent Crime Advisory Committee of the Criminal Justice Council oversees the distribution of these funds.
The procedure for allocating JAG funds is a formula based on population and crime statistics in combination with a minimum allocation to ensure that each state and territory receives an appropriate share. Traditionally, under the Byrne Formula and LLEBG Programs, funds were distributed 60/40 between state and local recipients. This distribution will continue under JAG.

JAG Purpose Areas:

  • Law enforcement programs
  • Prosecution, defense, and court programs
  • Prevention and education programs
  • Corrections and community corrections programs
  • Drug treatment programs
  • Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs
  • Crime Victim and Witness Programs (other than Compensation)

Justice Assistance Grant Predecessor

The Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program (authorized by Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) was established to assist states and units of local government in carrying out specific programs which offer a high probability of improving the functioning of the criminal justice system. Byrne has 29 purpose areas with a special emphasis is placed on projects that advance national drug control policies. Eligible programs funded under the Byrne Grant program must:

  1. Support the State’s drug reduction strategy;
  2. Fall within the established twenty-six purpose areas of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988;
  3. Support the mission and goals of the Delaware Criminal Justice Council.

For more information on Drugs and Violent Crime in Delaware contact: Chris Kervick

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