The Delaware Anti-Trafficking Action Council (DATAC) is a state agency that was formed through legislation. DATAC was created to address Delaware’s response, resources and overall awareness of human trafficking within our communities.
What Do We do?
DATAC brings together all stakeholders including community partners, service providers, various levels of law enforcement, Department of Justice and policy level officials. All our stakeholders share the same passion and goal to eradicate human trafficking activities in Delaware.
DATAC is fully committed in leading the nation through comprehensive legislation, strong public awareness and solid partnerships with advocates throughout our state to address all aspects related to human trafficking.
“Human Trafficking is an egregious crime against some of the most vulnerable within our communities. No person should ever have the ability to define what another’s value is in the world.
We stand fiercely against any ideologies that buying another human being should ever be morally or socially acceptable. Trafficking victims are more than the trauma that they have endured, they are brave and courageous men and women that took their lives back from some of the darkest places on the earth. DATAC and our allies stand united to endlessly advocate, drive change and ensure that survivors are heard through every action we take.”
-Executive Director Sara Poore
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HB264 AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 11 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO PATRONIZING A PROSTITUTE This Act makes the crime of “patronizing a prostitute” a class E felony rather than a misdemeanor where the person from whom prostitution is sought is a minor. Prior to House Bill 264, when adults patronized a minor for sex it was an unclassified misdemeanor. This act added protection to some of our most vulnerable and the appropriate level of recourse for an adult attempting to purchase a child for sex. DATAC wishes to thank Representative Williams and Senator Poore for their continued legislative leadership to effectively combat trafficking in Delaware.
SB 197 Was the first law to establish policies and procedures around combating Human Trafficking in Delaware. It also established the Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council. The law established the first public awareness requirements and signage in Delaware. Human Trafficking was also added to our criminal code. It was signed by the Governor on 4/10/2014.
HB398 Renamed the Human Trafficking Interagency Coordinating Council to the Delaware Anti Trafficking Action Council (DATAC). This also moved DATAC under the Criminal Justice Council, instead of Delaware Health and Human Services. Created staffing positions that are dedicated to combating human trafficking. The Council named this Act for and honor the late Ms. February O’Donnell and the late Ms. Amy Day. Ms. O’Donnell, a human trafficking survivor, and Ms. Day, a victims’ services volunteer who started the nonprofit, Meet Me At The Well, were remarkable women who helped lead the way in Delaware’s fight against human trafficking.
SB43 “Signs of Hope” increased the mandated location that must display human trafficking awareness signage. It also increases the role and responsibilities of the Department of Labor in enforces the mandate. The fines increase after repeated non-compliance.
Upcoming Meetings
A full list of DATAC meetings, including agendas, minutes, and committee meetings, can be found on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.