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State of Delaware
Criminal Justice Council

Victim’s Bill of Rights

Victim’s Bill of Rights Reporting:

As stated in Chapter 94 of Title 11:

All agencies given duties by this chapter shall submit an annual report with related statistics outlining compliance with this chapter. The annual report shall be submitted at the end of each calendar year to the Governor and to the Criminal Justice Council. Unless prevented by the failure of a victim to cooperate by furnishing a current address and telephone number, an agency shall make all reasonable efforts to provide notification and participation rights to victims. If the requirements stated in this chapter cannot be achieved by an agency for any reason, the agency shall so state in the annual report and shall explain in detail the nature of the obstacles to comply with this chapter or other causes for the inability to achieve the objectives. The Governor shall advise state agencies of any statutory changes that require an amendment to this chapter.

Agencies are asked to submit the appropriate reports to the CJC on an annual basis. The full chapter may be found on the Delaware Code Online:  Victims Bill of Rights.

Reporting Guidance and Forms:

Agencies responsible for compliance with the Victims’ Bill of Rights, may use the appropriate report form or documents as guidance:

Deadline for Submission

The reports for the January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023 period are asked to be submitted before March 8, 2024. Completed reports may be submitted via email to Theresa Jackson.

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